
Showing posts from August, 2019

Sales Strategy Template - The Digital Sales Institute

Sales Strategy Template - The Digital Sales Institute : Sales strategy template with examples for creating a realistic sales strategy or sales plans to win more customers and profitable sales. A sales strategy template sounds like an activity only large companies would consider doing. The reality is very different as everyone in business, from a small business to entrepreneur and salespeople can benefit from understanding the workings of a solid sales strategy. The motivation or reasons to create a sales strategy template is that business success is tied to the ability of the enterprise to generate sales. The revenue and profits that are generated from the sales activity of the business is a direct result of the effectiveness of the sales strategy. Why create a sales strategy? The sales strategy template will outline the step-by-step plan for salespeople and the business to follow in order to sell their products or services, with the stated purpose of gen...

Learning Sales Skills Online

Learning Sales Skills Online - The Digital Sales Institute : Learning sales skills online has many learning advantages for a salesperson, including that training lessons are more convenient and retentive. So, how salespeople at all levels of experience take better advantage of online sales training? Also, what is the most efficient way to learn and absorb as much information as quickly as possible? How Learning Sales Skills Works Learning any new skill including sales skills works the same way. We all rely on memory and neural schemas to learn new skills. Any learning that we undertake relies on our ability to tap into our memory bank, so that we can then adjust to the new information being presented. So, learning sales skills is an active process that involves a level of sensory input to our brains, and our ability to extract meaningful data from the sensory input by paying attention to it so it reaches our short-term working memory. Then a potential transfer of...