
Sales Prospecting Techniques

These sales prospecting techniques will hopefully assist you in your prospect engagement and lead generation activities. It may sound oblivious, but the biggest challenge in sales prospecting is getting a sales opportunity started in the first place, and for that to happen you need to get the prospect to listen. Sales Prospecting Techniques Every prospect goes through a number of phases on their buyer’s journey, where they make certain decisions on the priority of solving the pain point, the solutions available and the suitability of the vendors to make their buying easier. In the early and middles phases of their buyer’s journey, the decision to keep progressing with you will include the clarity and value proposition on the solutions you offer. They will also consider how familiar they believe you are with their business needs and comfortable they are with your company. These decisions and considerations can be directly linked to how much trust and confidence you have b...

Video Sales Prospecting

Using video sales prospecting techniques whether via social media or social selling is a hot topic right now. Video can be used in general sales or as a prospecting tool for lead generation or to boost buyer engagement. Video has now become a key sales and marketing tool. Buyers watch marketing videos on websites, on Facebook and on Instagram. Video may be the coolest content on the block, and there are two place it can have a massive impact – sales and prospecting. Using video sales prospecting and video across the entire sales process is becoming an increasingly critical selling tool. What makes video appealing is that our attention span is decreasing and it is currently measured in seconds not minutes, in fact it is approx. 8 seconds. To attract time poor but digitally engaged audiences, companies are turning to snappy, concise videos to engage buyers and consumers. In an article published by Forbes, 60% of business respondents said they would watch a video o...

Social Selling Trends

Discussing social selling trends may seem premature within the sales community as it is still quite new to many salespeople. However, the pace of innovation and disruption in the sales process is accelerating. As social media and the impact of digital channels become prevalent on how business to business buyers buy (yes, getting closer to consumer behavior all the time), it means companies and sales management have realized the importance of social selling in the sales process. Increasingly, every prospect or customer a business wants to engage is online and research shows this is also their preferred method of engagement. Social Selling Trends Future thinking companies and sales teams are implementing effective social selling programs to reach prospects, influence buyers, build credibility, generate leads, increase sales pipeline and retain customers. If you follow sales trends, article after article on buyer behavior is saying that the prospect is more...

Benefits of Social Selling on Vimeo

Benefits of Social Selling on Vimeo Benefits of Social Selling from The Digital Sales Institute on Vimeo .

Sales Strategy Presentation

Learn what goes into a sales strategy presentation, a template for what to include when developing your sales strategy plan with presentation guides and insights. An effective sales strategy presentation needs to consider what are your products and where or who is your market. It also plots out how the sales effort will be directed to ensure it captures profitable growth selling to customers. A sales strategy presentation should outline market and customer coverage with detailed plans that give the best possible opportunity for the business to win more customers. In more detail, a sales strategy defines the customer segments it wants to target and the business value propositions for each segment. Then it spells out how the sales force will be structured along with a documented selling processes. sales strategy presentation So a sales strategy is a business decision on  Who are you going to sell to. What are you going to sell them. How are you going to sell t...

Why Social Selling - YouTube

Why Social Selling - YouTube

Salesperson Should Never Say

Salesperson Should Never Say There are just somethings a salesperson should never say. Sales quotes and phrases that could be mistakes in building a relationship with a buyer. Every salesperson has their favorite sales lines they like to utter as various stages in the sales process, most of which are good at progressing the sale or connecting with a customer. However, in this article we have used research and feedback to put together some quotes a salesperson should try to avoid using because as the saying goes, one man’s treasure is another man’s trash. So here is our list of things a salesperson should try to never say to a buyer or prospective customer. Do you have a minute or two to talk?. Please don’t say it, you’re starting off the conversation with a lie or untruth, because there’s no way you’re going to have a sales discussion in 1 or 2 minutes. Don’t make a promise you’re going to break.  A better opening line could be Hi, We provide [insert product/ service]...