
Social Selling Course on Vimeo

Social Selling Course on Vimeo : Social Selling Course Social Selling Course from The Digital Sales Institute on Vimeo .

Sales Techniques

Sales Techniques : Sales techniques are many as they are varied. They can be as much psychological as functional when it comes to engaging customers. In a heavily influenced digital sales world where inbound leads seem to rule the roost, lots of valid sales techniques have been overlooked. Collaborate to uncover sales opportunities. Successful selling is about 54% listening to 46% talking. On a sales call or in a sales meeting, measure the switch rate, this is the rate at which each party takes turns listening and then talking. This sales technique allows for the flow of information to be two-way. Become skilled at active listening so each side can work together to help find the solution that best meets their needs. To ensure the switch rate runs smoothly, a list of discovery type questions should be deployed with the added benefit of finding out if any sales opportunity does exist. To ensure collaboration, they discovery questions should be prepared in advance. Examples inc...

Future of B2B Sales

Future of B2B Sales : The future of B2B sales is being impacted by digital, social media and the change in buyers behavior.Traditional B2B selling is changing fast. B2B sales and the impact of social media, data, connectivity, and technology are bringing a step change in how companies sell. These changes will help companies take a giant step that will take them way beyond all the traditional selling tactics. B2B sales are about to evolve like never before by embracing the advantages digital technology provides. In fact, leading companies are already pulling away from their peers in both sales growth and sales productivity improvement. Future of B2B sales There is no doubting that B2B buyers have moved the selling goalposts as they seek out information and content on products using the internet and social media. This has led to a rise in challenges for sales leadership, challenges such as: Re-evaluating their products and services to meet buyers changing ha...

Social Selling Strategy

Social Selling Strategy : A social selling strategy must be built around the value salespeople and the business can provide to build relationships via social media. Having a Social selling strategy as part of a digitally focused sales strategy is a no brainer for many forward-thinking sales organizations. What they have come to realize is that Social selling is about utilizing the data available via the social channels to aid in their overall sales strategies and selling pursuits. The growth of digital and how it has changed the buyers journey has created a new set of challenges for sales leaders and their teams. As buyers switch to online to educate, research and purchase, e-commerce facilitated sales are set to reach nearly $4.5 trillion by 2021 (Source: Statista). Despite this, many organizations still struggle to maximize the potential of the digital sales channels. Social Selling Strategy The impact of digital and social networks on both the sales and buyers...

Sales Training Buyers Guide

Sales Training Buyers Guide : Sales Training Buyers Guide This sales training buyers guide has been written to assist in designing a sales training courses alongside the sales skills salespeople need to compete in the digital economy.  Due to the evolving nature of buyer interactions across multiple channels, sales teams need to be equipped with a deeper understanding of the company’s target customer profiles. Also, insight into the buyer’s journey has become important in determining the level of success when salespeople try to engage a prospects and potential customers. When implemented correctly, a sales training buyers guide will impact the effectiveness of the sales strategy and boost the skill levels of the entire sales force. Sales training buyers guide The impact of social media and the digital channels in providing buyers with self-service levels of knowledge has somewhat diminished a salespersons role in the buyer-seller relationship. Buyers can be as much as ...

Sales Interview Questions

Sales Interview Questions : Sales interview questions should never come as a surprise to a salesperson. Being prepared to answer a broad range of social interview questions with great answers is about putting your best foot forward in selling yourself to the hiring manager. This is a list of popular sales interview questions used by many leading sales organizations globally. We all know that selling is a producer’s role, so interviewers will have high expectations regarding your ability to communicate, to demonstrate your persuasive powers, to perform under pressure and leave them with an impression that you are the one! So, you need to walk into the room prepared to sell yourself, your track record that qualifies you for the job, and show the prospective employer that you have the ability to close deals. Sales interview questions Remember the sales interview starts in the corridor. An age-old trick of hiring managers is to break the ice with you as they walk towards the...

7 Social Selling Tips

7 Social Selling Tips : 7 social selling tips to engage the modern buyer online. Tips on how to make social selling part of your sales strategy and tactics. In this post, we want to share 7 social selling tips that can be used as part of a digital selling or social selling campaign. Used in a proper manner these 7 social selling tips can help salespeople to engage with more prospects or customers than ever before and help uncover sales opportunities better than the more traditional approaches. Today’s buyers are far more empowered with information and insights to help them assess purchasing decisions. So rather than a salesperson who just provides details they can freely access online, they look for trusted advisers who can help them achieve their goals. The days of smile and dial for a quick sale are long passed. So here is our list of our 7 Social Selling Tips. Cold pitches are not social selling. Social selling is not about employing the social channels to rep...