Sales Training Programs Worth Taking

Sales Training Programs Worth Taking: Sales Training Programs Worth Taking.

n any sales techniques training, the salesperson needs to learn how to challenge the customers status quo because in sales the biggest competitor in securing a deal is not the competition but the buyers status quo position.  Other sales techniques to master include magnifying the pain points, making the challenges, obstacles or opportunities as real as possible to the customer plus positioning the true cost of doing nothing as unbearable.  Learn to be a MOP, a Master of Performance.  People buy from experts and advisers, so confidence is vital. Similar to an actor, salespeople need to learn to tell stories and master to let words flow naturally.

Sales Training Programs Worth Taking Topics

Here are some suggestions on a range of topics or themes to consider for sales training programs worth taking.
  1. How to educate a prospect with new perspectives: Sales training that coaches a salesperson to open up a prospect’s mind to new, unconsidered and different solutions that solves their challenges.
  2. Collaboration skills: To earn the trust of the modern buyer, salespeople need to take a more collaborative approach to selling. They need to learn about making buying easier, to inform and educate while eliminating the buyer V the seller in the minds of the buyer.
  3. Communicating Value and ROI: The sales skill salespeople need to tell stories that clearly communicates the return a customer can expect, and the end result they will achieve from selecting them.
  4. Active Listening Skills: To put the customer first, to practice actively listen skills so they really learn about the customers business and challenges. Active listening goes hand in hand with great discovery sales questions.
  5. How to identify the prospect’s real needs: If discovery sales questions don’t uncover a buyer’s needs, then a salesperson will have a difficult time positioning the proposed product or service as the solution.
  6. Help prospects and customers purchase and overcome obstacles: Understanding the internal workings of the prospects business, creating honest dialog on the process and how to deal with them is important if time wasting is to be avoided.
  7. Creating a convincing solution: If a salesperson can’t impress a buyer with their proposed solution that communicates how they will help them achieve desired results, they will struggle to close deals.
  8. How to get agreement on the buying process: Training the salesperson to get agreement from the customer on all the steps involved from both sides in the buying process.
  9. Creating a personal value proposition: What does the salesperson represent (linked to their sales mindset) and what are the values they hold dear. Creating a personal value proposition and then sharing it with customers builds rapport and trust.
  10. How to differentiate based on USP and the value they will bring: In sales training, too many programs teach salespeople how to differentiate based on product features and benefits. However, prospects are far more interested in the value the product or service will provide including the value of the salesperson themselves to the buying process.

The choice of what sales training programs worth taking or how they will be delivered is unique to every business. What is common to every sales organization today is that they need to focus on buying ease, to bring clarity in the sales process. To collaborate and help customers simplify the buying process, to make it easier to buy. Research shows customers who experience a high level of “buying ease,” from a company will opt to do business with them. In fact, that company is a huge 62% more likely to win the deal. Sales training that at its heart has “Buying ease” will help salespeople master how to make the customer feel comfortable about change, that new possibilities are only positive, that the cost of change to the buyer is manageable.

In a marketplace where buyers increasingly find it difficult to distinguish one product from other, a business’s best weapon may be their sales team. In reality, any sales training programs worth taking should enable the sales force to learn the skills they need to discover new opportunities, build sustainable relationships and improve customer loyalty for long term sales growth.


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